Observing the Ins and outs of a river, and life passing us by. These three images capture life on the river. Boats fishing,  swimming, yachting and sailing to mention a few things in our everyday lives.
Look closely you'll see people fishing and they caught a lovely flathead. It was a delight to see a family out together. When I spoke to the mum she said, "we just don't get out that much so, to get a fish and get out as a family, is wonderful"
The Lead-light at She Oak Point, North Tasmania on the Tamar River. 
As I live close by to the river i'm always looking down to the point. I've become fascinated by developing my photos in Lightroom and photoshop. As an artist I see the olden day bricks and the history these lead lights. They still opperational with their lights on the domes. As you can see the electricity lines linking the tower there is no candle value any more, just a small light globe. 
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